We were looking for a church that still faithfully teaches the Bible, carefully, verse by verse, a body of believers that love the Lord and His people, and who are committed to being doers of the Word, not hearers only. Sadly, the church we had attended for the past 26 years was no longer doing that. I attended the Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer meeting for a year before we seriously considered making the change. One person (not associated with our former church) told us that VBF was losing members and was a terrible place. It was already clear that that was not the case. After serious and prayerful consideration, we believed God was leading us to this fellowship. After 1 and a half years here, we feel so blessed! We are growing stronger in the Lord and are so thankful for the friendly support and encouragement of our VBF family. We are grateful for Greg’s conscientious study of the Word and, even more, for the gifts the Holy Spirit has given him as a shepherd and Bible teacher. If you are looking for a group that will encourage you in your walk with the Lord, definitely consider VBF.