Review For Faith and Victory Church Auburn WA

Nick M.
New Attender

Wow that 1 star review

Average: 5 (1 vote)
I have been attending FVC for a little while now and am thankful for this church! This church preaches out of the bible, straight out of the bible and uses the bible to interpret the bible. More than likely whoever wrote that review was convicted of something said and decided to attack people peraonally. The Pastor's at this church are very genuine, i have not picked up that they are driven by money or power! Infact my Pastors share their downfalls, their struggles, and they just want to love Jesus and His Bride. For someone to judge the pastors heart and motives is very interesting to me, if they are a true believer they would get to know there hearts(looking for the fruit produced). There hearts are for people, get saved, get equipped, get sanctified, have eternity with Jesus!
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