Hi. Bill Stephens here. My wife and I started attending Community Presbyterian Church of American Fork about four years ago and eventually became members. One of the things we really liked about the church is its age. It was built in the late 1800s and is reputed to be the oldest church in Utah County. There's a feeling of "history" and continuity about it; and in fact it's on the National Registry of Historical buildings.
My wife passed away recently and were it not for the love and support of my church family, the past few months would have been much harder to bear. We are concerned for each other and do what we can to bear one anothers burdens. We are a culturally diverse, racially mixed, and welcoming group of people.
One of the exciting things taking place in the church (exciting to me, at least) is the fact that we are embarking on a new adventure with a new pastor, Pastor Michael Heil. When I say "new pastor," I mean that literally in that he only recently graduated and this will be his first pastoral assignment. He has quite an extensive missionary-work background, but this is his first church "calling," so to speak. He brings all the positive attributes of youth: enthusiasm, fresh ideas, energy, an open and loving attitude, current knowledge of social media; and to help temper all of that, he's soon to be married!
So, if you'd like to attend an old, old church with a young, young pastor, stop in some Sunday. Look at the high ceilings, the stained glass windows, hear an actual bell being rung as it calls us to worship. We aren't perfect, but we try.