Review For The Hills Church

Kimberly T.
First-time Visitor

My brother died because of this church

Average: 1 (1 vote)
Good morning all you church people. I'd like to tell you a story about my brother, who was a member of this church. He killed himself.My brother committed suicide. 5 days before he did....he reached out to Pastor Dave Meyer...they did nothing to help him except pray. They knew he was suicidal, they knew he had guns in the house. The day he died....according to his wife...the pastor and other church folks were at their house praying with and for them...they were having marital issues. They all then thought it was a good idea to leave him alone in a house with guns. Noone called his family, authorities, the mental hospital....nothing. he is dead because this church and his wife and her family didnt get him help. They blew off his mental health and chalked it up to needing prayer. Our family holds this church and his wife and her family responsible for his death. This is the kind of church you go to. They have been trying to silence me for weeks now and I refuse to be silenced. His death won't be im vain...I will continue telling everyone and I will post this everywhere. What you did to our parents and his family and his bio kids is just evil. The people involved are NOT Christians.
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