After membership and attendance at FBC Midland for 3-4 years, we've decided to look elsewhere for our Biblical family. I'm an ordained Southern Baptist minister who has a history of mission work as well as pastoral experience. After the time we've spent in this congregation the church staff doesn't know us. They've never set us down and gotten to know us as human beings. They know nothing about my education, my psychiatric practice, or the spiritual condition of my family. The only item that was ever important to them was my "testimony" of how I came to know Messiah Yeshua. Other than a lack of community life and their decision to not consider home groups as a way to build community, the final straw for us was a Sunday School class that was fun by a dad and his adult son. My 4 y/o son was in the class. I presented the statistics to the staff members in charge of how many pedophiles were in such positions, but my presentation wasn't considered. And please know that my work in psychiatry is in forensic psychiatry and I work with pedophiles on a daily basis. A simple Google search will show that our denomination is rife with a plethora of sexual perverts and the the SBC has done little to protect the members from this type of abuse. And FBC Midland is inviting another front page story by its refusal to make sure than women are part of each SS team at FBC MIdland. For us, it's the arrogance of the pastoral team in the usual top down form of administration in so any Baptist churches that is forcing our move. I wish them well, but I'm not going to place my son in danger. They did offer me one solution to the issue -- I could choose to take my son out of that class. I concurred and did so. There were other incidents during our tenure there, but this isn't intended to be gossip, but only a warning to the public at large. Blessings.