Jesus came, suffered death on a cross, and rose from the dead that YOU may have forgiveness of ALL your sins and by your faith through His Grace have eternal life with Him in heaven eternally.
At Immanuel Lutheran Church you will learn and grow in your Faith by hearing God's words and recieving the Sacrements that will continue to nurture and strengthen your relationship in Jesus Christ your Saviour. Immanuel Lutheran Church in Mercedes Texas invites YOU to come, see and hear God's message and experience His gift of amazing Grace in your life.
Immanuel Lutheran Church is a Confessional Lutheran Church of the Missouri Synod in America. We worship by using the Devine settings of our Lutheran hymnals, where we may recieve forgiveness, to grow and be strengthened in Faith through His Word and Sacrements. Immanuel Lutheran Church is inviting YOU to come, hear and see the plan God has for you. We are looking forward to meeting YOU. May God bless you and keep you in His mercy and grace.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Mercedes, Texas