Review For Webb Baptist Church

Gary G.
Church Staff

Wonderful church

Average: 5 (1 vote)
Webb Baptist church is a super friendly church who love one another and are very welcoming to new-comers and visitors. We are blessed to have a wonderful pastor who preaches exciting messages from the word of God faithfully every week. I've never heard any better preaching anywhere! The music portion of the service is a time when we sing a mix of traditional and modern music. There is a fun, all age choir that comes together preceding the Christmas and Easter seasons for the purpose of sharing our testimonies in music. We don't sing for the sake of singing but our intent is to truly lift up our heartfelt praises to God every week. We have wonderful folks leading our exciting children and youth ministries as well as women's, men's and couples classes. On Wednesday nights we have an affordable meal at 6:00 and then at 6:30 we are involved in life application bible studies. We share prayer requests Wednesday night after the teaching,in the Sunday school classes, via our hot-line and website or maybe one on one in the hallway. This church may truly be one of the best kept secrets in the metroplex!
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