Review For I Saw The Light Ministries

Bryan B.

Truth be told for one to curse and condem and be judged

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Very poor understanding you have of our father Jesus. you are very spiritually closed-minded.. Isreal will never be America its about time you understand this. To curse a fellow christian and claim him a satanist a person of the same faith who since birth worshipped and praised Jesus! You don't even know me.. your pride has consumed you and you are falling. Here is the msg for you dear sir. No curse that you set against me will prevail as I am protected by Jesus. I command that you stop immediately in Jesus name... A christian you call yourself this is no act of a christian as you have broken the commandment of love your neighbor and pride has consumed you.. I will expose you for your blasphemous cursing and condemnation.. Remember to judge and condem so shall it be done to you as our father Jesus states. I don't work for santan. How can you call me a Satanist? Perhaps you have not followed the ancient paths... Jesus told me to follow the ancient paths, and you will find me and the truth. You yourself say that the current bible is not truthful even in your AOB; you point this out. I war against Satan and all of his demonic forces.. and the Illuminati.. I only believe in Jesus, my family, and I go and save people and get them out of these sect and cults, and we fight in the spiritual realms . You may rebuke me, but know this that Jesus is my only salvation... Jesus also says that when you show the truth, many who claim to be Christians will rebuke you. If I were, you go fast and ask Jesus to show you what I am for him... Go ask him yourself and think about it instead of rebuking me, how about you walking his ancient paths first 3rd time you condemned be and rebuked me .. It seems like you dont want to hear the truth and rebuking the complete truth so Lets pray Father Jesus please help Zimmermann in opening his eyes to the truth help him to understand that i am only speak your truth as you have showed me... Thank you father for blessing him and continue to bless him my father Jesus I pray for knowledge and wisdom to be passed to him in Jesus mighty name. I pray for your great love and understanding to be in this man Thank you, my father Jesus, and so shall it be. I STAND IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND REBUKE YOU SATAN AND SPIRIT OF CONFUSSION WHICH YOU HAVE PUT OVER THIS APOSTILLE.. I COMMAND YOU NOW TO RELEASE HIM BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS WHICH IS OVER MR ZIMMERMAN.. YOU SHALL SET HIM FREE AT ONCE.. YOUR FEEBALE ASSIGNMENT OVER HIM HAS NO ROOT AND WILL NOT BE COMPLETED.. HE WILL COMPLETE HIS GODLY ASSIGNMENT WHICH JESUS HAS GIVEN HIM RELEASE HIM NOW AT ONCE..YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER HIM.. JESUS MY ALMIGHT FATHER I ASK THAT YOU OPEN HIS EYES AND PRAY FOR YOUR SPIRIT TO COMFORT HIM AND OPEN HIS EYES TO SEE THE TRUTH! THANK MY FATHER JESUS LET THIS BE DONE! AND ITS DONE! By the way I am white!! Really suggest you fast over this and see where Jesus will guide you! Jesus also said to teach and share his words and you by saying you won't share the bible tells me that you are working against our fathers will. You should want to share the bible no matter if a person is Gentile, Jew, white, black, or whatever they believe in as you want to get his true words out and declare his true words. Be blessed Zimmermann and soon our paths shall cross again through Jesus my almight God.
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