I’ve read the other 2 reviews about my church on this website and I must say, they clearly weren’t attended to worship God or glorify Christ.
I’m sad they didn’t feel welcomed, but to call us “segregated within” and “unusually large”?
I must say I’m not that surprised considering some of the other things I’ve heard about it.
Our pastor does NOT say that women HAVE to be workers at home. However, just like the Bible, he does preach that our highest calling is to our family, our husbands and children. Which is true. What higher calling could there ever than to raise the next generation?
Our pastors in no way belittle women.
If you believe or think that, I’d suggest meeting with our senior pastor, Pastor Broggi, and discussing your feelings with him. I know he’ll be glad to explain himself further and within your range of understanding.
The other reviewers honestly have me questioning their true intentions and salvation.
CBC is not a place to get your ears tickled, it’s a place where the Bible is open for the entire sermon and where our elders do what God has told us to do in His Word.
It’s a shame that those people claim to know things, but they haven’t read the Scripture passage where it’s clear that women are not to lead the church.