Review For First Hispanic Christian Church

Tommie R.
Hispanic Churches In General Doesn't Possess Any Real Leadership
Average: 1 (1 vote)
My concerns are leadership among the body of Christ Jesus Especially when it comes to
specific cultures, nationalities, races, etc I would like to know or understand why is it that Hispanic, Latinos Caribbean, and Europen Ministries Afro American Churches are not excluded in any way, however more often than not Hispanic Churches doesn't possess any real leadership qualities From personal encounters with Hispanic churches I've yet to experience true anointing nor power from Jesus Christ there's usually no deliverance healing power Hispanic Churches appears to gravitate or witness among their not possessing any authentic wisdom that's just as bad as Jews only ministering among or to their own culture which is not of God, and it's straight from the pit of hell to use segregation among different races Afro American believers we have our own hang-ups as well we tend to gravitate, and want to be accepted by the Europeans ministries, wherein many instances the European Churches doesn't possess a true anointing of God not all European Churches there are a few that's truly anointing but most of them are can be use by their father the devil Which is pathetic Caribbean Churches more, and more appaers to be searching for Jesus However because so many Caribbean are from islands that worship the devil admire Satan, and seeking demonic powers, and prestiege from the pits of hell You best to believe that you'llfind many of the demonics coming from island cultures, Caribbean can be quite deceitful, and evil Now all you have to do is put the d before the word evil, and what do get Churches in so many ways are being used by the devil for instance Hispanic churches will witness or better yet get up tell their testamonies about they were deliverd from, gangs ,grugss , and the list gos on, and on But from the same breath they can speak about their deliverance, and walking away from many of their friends , and family that were stoneed cold drug addicts gang members thieves murders It's so sad to hear that not one of them can influence their messed up frinds and family or convert them over into a meaningful life in Jesus Christ Asian Church goers are not real Christain leaders within the communities as well they do the Europan, Hispanic, Caribbeaan Jew thing as well they want to minister or witness among their own that's why you can go to a church, and find them sharing favoritsim among each other without a bit of God's anointing what's so ever Tommie Reed Any questions I will challenge any latino Church in the state of Phildelphi cell 347-2005730
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