Big changes are now happening at Ephrata Bible Chapel. Both our music and worship services are being completely renewed. Exciting DVD studies with Dr. David Jeremiah will be shown during the 9:30 am hours. Subjects include THE AGENTS OF THE APOCALYPSE AND THE AGENTS OF BABYLON. This 24 week series will begin right after the STUDIES ON THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEADING TO THE FORMATION OF OUR ENGLISH BIBLES. Understand history like never before. THESE STUDIES WILL BEGIN January 3, 2016 at the 9:30 AM HOUR. FUTURE STUDIES will include COMPLETE DOCTRINAL STUDIES and MARRIAGE CLASSES plus much more.
We will soon invite the community to join us for an evening of fun, food and gospel music. Bring your voice and instuments for a great evening. We will let you know when this evening will happen. Please follow us on Facebook for details on upcoming events and the music evening. Follow us on Facebooik under "EPHRATA BIBLE CHAPEL" You can click on the study presented there and click the link. It will take you to a special page on our business site where details are shown.
My wife, Sandy, and I have been asked to Pastor this small church. Our prayer and desire is to uplift these dear people and build a local ministry which brings honor to our God and Redeemer. You and your family and friends are invited to visit and help us in any way you can as we reorganize our ministry.
You can reach pastor at: 267-664-0485 I'd be happy to talk with you.
Sunday School: 9:30 am sharp Morning Worship: 10:30 am
Pastor Tompkins owns the FRONTIER LEATHER WORKS Custom Leather Company in Strasburg, PA
We have added the church link to our leather site so folks can see the exciting events soon to begin in January 2016.
Pastor Lynn