Review For Glad Tidings Worship Center

Ian T.
First-time Visitor


Average: 4 (1 vote)
BLUF: typical contemporary Protestant American Christian doctrine (Trinitarian, eternal life in heaven or hell, prosperity gospel). Focus on spiritual warfare and healing. Prophets exercise foretelling prophecy, with end time interpretation. Modest congregation of mostly retired ages from working to upper middle class. The congregation is primed for an influx of a new generation. The music is quite good despite only a singing pianist, drummer, and older bass singer. The music has a slow and slightly melodic tone (somebody special), and most of the congregation knows the songs and the are able to keep along with the singer show frequently goes more by feeling and passion, rather than by sheet. It’s quite lovely really. There is an emphasis on homecoming and cathartic community. It’s a great place for people who looking for emotional and spiritual healing.
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