It was fine at first. I made friends, the facility is excellent, it's close to home, the worship was alright. However, I simply wasn't growing spiritually, and I don't think anyone else was either. 95% of the people I encountered at Violet were mediocre Christians who didn't make an effort to change themselves to better follow Jesus. This concept wasn't even promoted. Reading your Bible daily and soending time with God daily wasn't talked about and not practiced by most attenders... at least they hide it far too well. The joy of the Lord rests in the older attenders there, but the younger generation is not where they could be in becoming a Disciple of Jesus. The prayers sound empty, there is little true, bold, faith here. The power of the holy spirit is not talked about or loved. Healing is not in their vocabulary. They haven't quite realized that "Comfortable Church" is a 50's conept that is SO last century. If you want to grow towards God and learn to truly love Him, and bring others to Jesus like we are supposed to, go somewhere else. A church such as C3, Now Church, or Legacy Church will welcome you, teach you, help you, and lead you to where you're supposed to be.