I was raised in this church. I attended for my entire childhood, adolescence, and years into adulthood.
I cannot recommend this church to anyone: Christian, questioning, or otherwise. I was taught hateful beliefs here, most notably, to hate myself for being a lesbian. You can discover just how bigoted the beliefs of this church are by looking into the sermons posted this past June- Pride month. It disgusts me the stronghold this place has on people, and had on me, for many years. I am unable to even remain in contact with some of my own family because of how indoctrinated they became attending here. I know good people, people I love, attend this church, and I know firsthand how hard it is to leave. But if you care about gay people at all- run from this place. There are churches all over the city who understand the dangers of biblical literalism, who understand that LGBT+ people are beloved children of God who aren’t broken for not being straight or cisgender.