I've attended Journey Church for about 2.5 years now.
The Lord has used this church to introduce me to walking in faith with Jesus. I have seen small groups live with a balance of focus on caring for current members and looking to bless others in the community. The messages are Biblical sound and applicable to my everyday life. I love that the church looks to lead with service in the community. This reminds me of the example and teaching of Jesus.
I am excited about the difference it has made in the lives of my wife and daughter. I'm eager to raise my growing family in this Spirit-led community. We have felt the support and love of the folks here and its anything but cliche to say that they are truly like family.
If people visit one of the Missional Communities, they can expect a caring, relaxed environment where people grow and laugh together. Folks who come for a Sunday gathering, can expect comfortable, relateable, interactive environment of worship, teaching, sharing- all equiping for a life of following Christ throughout the week.