Review For First Baptist of Blair
Adeline A.
The Word of God Stands Tall
Average: 5 (1 vote)
If you could describe modern-day Christianity in America with one word, what would it be? Convenience. I would choose the word convenience. Strobe lights, disco balls, and outright raves have found their way into our churches. Advocates for this approach argue that the fore-mentioned theatrics bring large numbers through their doors. They lay their heads down each night perfectly content that their quotas have been met. While new church-goers sprint to the altar for their fifteen-minute devotionals each Sunday, other church-goers are quietly retreating back to the comforts of their home. Thus, are churches really growing their ministries? Or, are they creating a revolving door of conflicted, half-way-there Christians?
Well, if you are seeking a faith-based church, look no further than the First Baptist Church of Blair, Nebraska. We aren't one of your mega-churches, but then again, we wear this as a badge of honor. Our small family works weekly on deepening our personal relationship with God. Each Sunday, we begin our morning with Sunday School. Our deep contextual analysis of different books of the Bible leads to true spiritual growth. Next, we continue our fellowship with our church service. Instead of a live band dominating the entire hour, we spend ten to twenty minutes discussing announcements and prayer requests. The other forty minutes is spent on an in-depth analytical study of the Word of God. We don't read a verse and discuss how it makes us feel. Instead, we ask ourselves the following: What does this verse say about Jesus Christ? A bedrock principle of our church is the Christological principle, which states that every verse in the Bible centers on Jesus Christ. He is our chief cornerstone, is He not? Every Wednesday night, we host a Bible Study, which focuses on a specific book in the Bible. It's another one of our in-depth studies that make us unique. We don't gloss over the Bible. Why would we? The first verse in John tell us that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." So yes, we believe the Bible, the Word of God, is central to our salvation, discipleship, and role as priests to Jesus Christ, Himself.
1 Peter 3: 15 tells us, "always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you." What does this mean? At First Baptist Church, our pastor works day-in and day-out to equip us with the tools and knowledge we need to strengthen our faith. The more we study, the more we learn, and the more we are transformed. We strive to live our lives in a worthy manner that would prompt fellow Christians or non-Christians to notice. We want them to approach us and ask questions. Our job at First Baptist is to be ready for those questions. We must be able to provide fulfilling answers for all who ask. Again, according to 1 Peter 3:15, this idea isn't a novel idea. No, it's biblical.
Come visit the First Baptist Church of Blair. It's changed my life. I was once deaf, but now I hear. I was once blind to the words of my Lord, but now I see. Truly, truly, I say to you that you can experience this, too. I love this church. I always will.
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