Review For St Bartholomew's Church

Susan P.

The Little Church That Can

Average: 5 (1 vote)
Traditional Episcopal Church service with a welcoming, enthusiastic congregation of Christians who believe that what Jesus Christ taught was God's Love is intended for ALL people. We believe in outreach into the community through the Thursday Community Lunch held in our parish hall every Thursday. All are welcome whether you can afford a donation or not. Come One Come All. Contemplative prayer on Wednesday. Al-Anon meets Monday nights at 7 pm; Daughters of the King meets Thursdays at 7 pm. We also have a childrens Sunday School (begins again in the fall) based on "Godly Play" and an Adult Christian Inquirers' group that meets at 9:20 am between the 8 am and 10:30 service. We would look forward to seeing newcomers any time for any of the above. We are small in numbers but not in the Holy Spirit and showing God's Love.
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