I've served churches in Illinois, Texas, and Virginia since the early 1990s and have now been pastor at Spirit of Joy since the summer of 2012. What I love about it may make it uncomfortable for some, so I just need to say that up-front. I love the community's non-judgmental openness to a huge range of theological questions and perspectives, a passion for learning, a permission-giving attitude toward new ministries, a covenantal commitment to governing by consensus, and a passion for social justice.
I can't speak to the worship and preaching, since I'm usually the one leading it, but I can say that it reflects an awareness of how scripture has evolved and been reinterpreted in living and dynamic ways through history. Worship is grounded in the biblical story, and everyone is welcome at the communion table.
Women and men share in leadership equally, children are fully welcome as leaders and participants in worship, and sexual orientation and gender identity are never barriers to any aspect of the church's life.
The church is progressive in many respects, but not easily pigeon-holed. Members span the political spectrum and come from a variety of religious backgrounds, many of them seeking safe space to bring their doubts, hurts, hopes, and wonder.
If you're looking for a church with an extensive menu of services to pick from, this one might not be for you. But if you're looking for a place to explore your own calling in community with others who are doing the same, where you can make a difference for others, you might want to give Spirit of Joy a try.