Review For Church of Emmanuel

John V.

Spring school vacation Church stop

Average: 5 (1 vote)
This is a church that I have visited for the past three Spring vacations (I stay at a local campground). It is an interesting church in that they have three different venues to participate in the service. The traditional service is in the sanctuary. But you can also watch the service in the cafe while having a cup of coffee or downstairs while having breakfast. The church is very friendly and geared toward welcoming visitors. The music was contempory and did have one of my all time favorite hymns (Be Thou My Vision). The pastor spoke about change and preached from John 21 "Peter's encounter with the Risen Christ." The present pastor has been serving as an interim pastor and the church is in the process of searching for a new pastor. Many people said hello and welcomed me to the service. I always leave thankful for this church while being away from my home church. The church is very biblically centered and seems to be caring toward people and loving toward one another. I look forward to coming again next Spring vacation. Sincerely in Christ, Jay V
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