Review For Road to Life Church Michigan City Campus

Tracey F.

Current Pastor at Road To Life Church Michigan CityIndiana

Average: 1 (1 vote)
Warning!!! you have a pastor in the pulpit who should be removed. It is written in the Bible 10 Commandments that shall be abide by. When you are a spiritual leader, and a seasoned leader at that, How can this pastor lead anyone to our Lord Jesus Christ, when he has committed one of the sins of the 10 commandment. This church does not preach on biblical verses, or live by the biblical Bible as the saying goes practice what you preach I will never attend this church or any of its affiliations again how can you go to a pastor to lead you? With your walk with God. When he himself does not follow, what God has written. This pastor lives by his own rules, his vanity, and how he can live off of the people that tiithes in the church.All for his own benefit…
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