I love Rhema Apostolic International Deliverance Center (RAIDC) because it is a place where Jesus is Lord and you can praise Him with liberty and the fellowship is heart felt. Pastor Moore is very supportive of the members and guest, you can feel the love. I attended RAIDC for about four months before moving away, but I know deep down within that they are still covering me in prayer. RAIDC has made a great difference in my life and family life through moral support, encouragement, and intercessory prayer. Many prayers have been answered I do believe because of their perserverance and steadfastness in interceding on behalf of myself and my family. When you visit Rhema Apostolic International Deliverance Center, you can expect to hear a Word from the Lord, fellowship in sincerity, be at peace, and feel love from all. It is a place where you will be comfortable in worship because no one is treated inferrior and everyone is in tune to the Lord. I would like to personally invite you to visit RAIDC for yourself and experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit and watch God do a new thing in mid-stream in your life. I love RAIDC it is a place you will never forget.