I absolutely LOVE this ministry!!! I've been to a lot of churches, but I've NEVER experienced a church that LOVES people with such fervency! Being a part of this ministry has truly showed my family & I the REAL meaning of what it means to have a " REAL, LOVING church family!!" RAIDC is definitely a place where The Word is ALWAYS In Season. Many churches use the cliché that God "visits, spiritually", however, at RAIDC, God doesn't just "visit"... He Dwells!! He Moves!! He Abides!! God is Omnipotent & Omnipresent!! And I am SO GRATEFUL that He's placed my family and I in a ministry that promotes more than just having a form of "religion" , but having a TRUE "Relationship" with Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There's truly so much more I could say, but I'd rather encourage you to come visit RAIDC for yourself. The proof is in the pudding. Come and taste for yourself!! You'll be glad you did! #Blessings. Daveon