Awesome lead pastor in David Emmert whose Sunday messages are outstanding in content and presentation. If you like contemporary music vs. traditional, this may very well be the best you've ever heard. We've attended services at largest churches in Orlando and West Palm Beach and the quality of most of the singers at Celebration surpass those we hear at those services. Minister of Music, Warren, himself a very talented singer and musician does a fantastic job with the adult musicians. NOW, that's the good, as for the bad, this site lists Tommy Hendricks as the pastor, he is not the lead pastor but rather the "Children's Pastor" and the weak link of the entire ministerial staff. There are now two relatively new ministers on staff, one male and one female, to work with teens and they are excellent; it is only the preschool and elementary age kids that "suffer" at Celebration. If you like traditional type of Sunday School this church is not for your kids, instead they are subjected to "organized chaos" called Blast. And pastor Tommy, without the requisite training or experience, meddles in the day to day operation of the church's preschool with negative results over the past many years, including downsizing of the overall program which has brought many new families into the church. With the exception of the young children's ministry Celebration would rate 5 stars.