Review For Christ Fellowship Church

Paula M.

After many requests for contact, I give up

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Admittedly, when I first moved here, I didn’t think such an enormous church would be a place I would find my place in. My niece moved nearby & has a close friend on the praise team. My sister, niece & I began attending the 11:30 Sunday service together & we sat with her friend, Chris, several times. At lunch afterwords, he would espouse the virtues of the church and various leadership members, even giving me the name and number of a woman he said was in charge of all the study groups. I want a bible study group especially studying the books of Dr Michael Heiser, Josh Peck & Steven Bancarz. 3 times I filled out a first time visitor & contact request, prayer request card. Also, I met 2 members of your church, in Tradition Medical Center and we talked for almost an hour. They prayed such sweet prayers of support for me and one gave me his card so we could keep in contact as he tried to become friends with my ill son. (He was a counselor for young men he said). Over the next couple months, I sent him numerous texts. I basically was begging him for help, contact, prayers, SOMETHING! As of today, I finally herd from the woman saying any moment, your pastors wife, was going to call me. Desperately, anxiously I awaited the call that never came. I called the number the “counselor” gave me to find a switchboard answer and they said they Don’t have anyone on any number by his name. Now, I am not unapproachable. I grew up in the church my father helped pastor & had a missionary music ministry for young people. I am at home in a church. son that was so sick, went to be with Jesus on January 10th. I have had to give God 3 of my children now. I am caregiver for my 88yr old mom who has dementia. I’m not married, all my money was stolen so I’m not well off and I don’t have 1 friend here. I REALLY tried to connect with someone there. My grief is almost consuming me now & I need to connect to Gods power line so, I’m on the hunt for a church again...(well, after it’s safe to go out) but if y’all want ALL visitors to feel the love you espouse, you need to change somethings. The Satan tells me it’s because I’m not in the financial bracket to fit in or because I’m single...maybe. Ever since my other son died 20years ago, people have avoided me. (Even the leader of the praise team I was on distanced herself.) I could write for a long time but I’ve written too much I fear and I do apologize for that. Have a blessed day y’all & I’ll see y’all in heaven. Your sister in Christ, Paula
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