Review For Lighthouse Bible Church

John L.
Church Staff

Lighthouse Bible Church is a church that will not compromise God's authoritative Word.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
Lighthouse Bible Church preaches verse by verse and book by book expositorily; "reformed" in its preaching, teaching, and beliefs. As a non-denominational church who is Bible driven, we reach out to all His sheep. We have an extremely sweet Spirit that flows in our congregation. Lighthouse Bible Church has several Ministries, all of which are structure on His most precious Words as found in Scripture. Among these ministries, are: Prayer Warriors, meet Sunday mornings @ 8:15, praying for our Pastor and the various needs of our members, while not forgetting to pray for those lost and praying for our Local, State, and Federal Governments. ​ Our Mission’s Ministry has supported a missionary in Africa for over two years now and has also supported short term mission trips to Haiti for multiple missionaries. For a small church, we have a mighty large reach! ​​ Christ-centered Bible Study for children. Six dedicated women lead our children. Each teach on a one-month rotating basis. Our little ones are currently learning Genesis, verse-by-verse ​​ Adult Bible Study currently doing a study called "Characters of the Bible".
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