I attended this church as a youth. I have returned frequently as it is where my mother worships. My issues are the same here as with a lot of churches. Like many people in today's society, I have very little personal time due to a demanding work schedule. My issue is not with the message at this church but with the churches leadership. I have no first hand knowledge as the elders are very tight lipped and secretive about what goes on with regards to the business of the church. I had lived out of town for several years when I returned and found a very good minister in charge. He was summarily let go shortly after I returned. Well it seemed apparent his hesitant resignation and comments afterward were not of his choosing. There were many rumors floating around, but there was no transparency. This is one reason I left. Reason 2 is that too many people like to go up in front and hear themselves talk. This is church, not a political stump and not a place to provide oratory for your own personal ettification. Longwinded announceents are not necessary and frankly is why the bulletins are there. Good church, Great song leaders, good message in general. The congegation seems slightly mismanaged. This is from the outside looking in and I welcome rebuttals that can change my opinions.