Review For Faith Fellowship World Outreach Ministries

John D.
Got Church?
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Faith Fellowship World
Outreach Ministries, Inc.
6111 South Pointe Boulevard
Fort Myers, Florida 33919
Phone: (239) 278-3638
Fax: (239) 433-9774
Shortly before we found our new church, my wife, Elizabeth and I had been praying together that God would show us direction in our lives, as we desired to be right before Him. God was so faithful in answering that prayer, bringing several options into our lives as we visited a homeless church, The Salvation Army Church and many others. After every sermon we listened to in each church, we were fed spiritual blessings and God refined another area in our lives. Still, we were in transition and did not find a church where we felt a calling to serve on a regular basis. Then one day we were invited to attend a special Thursday evening church service in a renovated movie theater at Faith Fellowship World Wide Outreach Ministries. The service that night was spectacular and the warm welcome that we received was overwhelming.
After being so blessed by this evening service we started attending Faith Fellowship World Wide Outreach on Sundays. The love that we felt from the greeters, from the music minister, and from the head pastor and his wife just touched our hearts and souls. Then, in February, 2008 we decided to become regular members of this wonderful church and we have not looked back since.
Did we find the perfect church? No, we know that there is no such church here on earth. But what we did find was a beautiful body of believers of all colors, from many races, backgrounds, and nationalities. Most importantly, we did not sense any gossip amongst this body of believers, only unconditional love. They were all so different but still very like-minded in Christ in so many ways. After this experience, we knew that we arrived in a church that we could finally call home.
It is truly amazing what we found. The best church for us was located down the street from where we lived. We were searching far away and God directed us to the church that was closest to our home. GOD is so good!
If you and your family reside in the Ft. Myers area, or are just visiting, we invite you to come to our church, Faith Fellowship World Outreach Ministries (FFWOM). If you decide come, please arrive early and enjoy our wonderful fellowship and prayer time and get ready to be blessed!!!
Please check out our church's website:
May God Bless You with His Unconditional Agape Love,
John & Liz Domino
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