Review For Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church (PCA)

James David S.

Prayer request for revision of Apostles' Creed.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
70AD (Aries-Pisces, end of the Age, new heavens and a new earth), the sign of the Son of man, 1 Chronicles 21:16, Josephus Jewish Wars 6:5:3, destroyed the Jerusalem Temple as prophesied in Acts 6:14 & Daniel 12:7, seen by all the tribes of the earth, and they also which pierced Him - Roman Legions' international army. Luke 21:22, 32 also confirms timing. Persecuted Apostles surviving 70AD's trauma, Matt. 25's 5 foolish virgins, were too afraid/confused to revise the Creed; modern Bishops have the advantage of peaceable historical hindsight, and ought revise the Creed. Please pray for this. Thank you.
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