We've been part of VCC for about a year. Here's why we love it:
You'll experience God's love and grace here - everyone is welcome
Come a little early on Sunday, we like to socialize before the service. Free coffee, tea, lemonade.
Worship music is great - talented musicians.
Communion every Sunday, all believers are welcome to partake.
The preaching is inspired and relevant to our lives and our development as Christians.
Fellowship meals once a month on Sunday after the service
There are many mentors in the faith who attend VCC - missionaries, teachers, pastors, the pool of experience with God is deep here
Classes both short and long are available on a variety of topics; Bible, marriage, finances, personal growth and discovery
We've made great friends here
"Life Groups" of 10-15 people meet during the week in homes for fellowship and growth
We love it - God is at work here! Come visit with us.