This church has been in the Alamosa, Co area for about 5 years. During the first couple of years they had an active congregation but due to COVID and other circumstances everyone left. At one point there was just one other family and the Pastor. Now, the pastor preaches to his wife and online. This is not a church that has any life in it. There's a lot of bitterness in the church due to people leaving it and the Pastor preaches about previous members in his messages.
We are to live by the fruits of the Spirit but it seems that this church is lacking those fruits. It has other fruits but definitely not of God. Maybe a revival is needed in the Pastor's heart to get this church back to where it is worshipping God and not knowledge.
There are other Churches in the area that do preach from the Bible you just have to becareful which church you go to.
I would recommend this church only if there was some serious self evaluation that occurs. Unfortunately, because the Pastor lives next door and owns the church building he cannot be removed from his position. This makes it more like his church than God's church. This is a dangerously slippery slope when trying to correct the Pastor on his doctrine. He will kick members out and not welcome them back. This is how cults are started. By a power hungry man who says he is doing God's work but instead is only worried about his reputation.
They are a KJV only church but when it comes to holidays or conspiracy theories, you will get bashed over the head with them until you comply with their teaching and not what God is telling you to believe. Becareful with this church. Have an open heart but also know that this church is struggling and the Pastor will let you know.