Review For Gardena Valley Assembly of God

Tina P.
Church Staff

Pastor Rob Lee is a man that seeks the presence of the Lord!

Average: 5 (1 vote)
At Gardena Valley you will find imperfect people.  We are real, but with a heart that seeks God.  We strive to draw close to God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.  We serve the One True God for who He is and all He is! I have been here for approximately 14 years and the Children's Pastor for 5 years.  I have been in ministry since 1987.  I have had the opportunity to serve under some incredible pastors, teachers, and leaders throughout my life.  Pastor Rob Lee being one of them! One thing I have learned in life is that:  God does not change!  He is forever the same yesterday, today and forever.  He doesn't love us less due to our inadequacies.  He doesn't love us more when we think we've done a good thing.  Bottom line:  He loves us all!  And that will not change. Another thing I have learned in life is that:  People change!  I have seen it happen time and time again.  We determine to draw close to God, and our lives will change and so will the lives around us. We pull away from God and our lives will change, our heart will change, our sight will change, our speech will change, our hearing will change and become impaired, and the lives of those around us will also change.  I appreciate Pastor Rob Lee for leading us well and setting the example and showing us what it looks like to pursue God!  Our staff, our lead pastors and our church have a heart to continual seek our Maker.  Things cannot remain the same in the Presence of the Lord.  Pastor Rob Lee is a man that seeks the Presence of the Lord!  May God change your life as you enter a relationship with Him. Because He Lives, Pastor Tina Phillippi
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