My journey as a Christian started at a young age, being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues to leaving the church as a teen thinking that God had abandoned me and the Holy Spirit was far from me. I realized that was so far from the truth when I had an encounter with the Living God and the Holy Spirit moved on me. He had not left me, I had left Him. I have attended many churches since that awakening, learned a lot in some, and backslid because of the teachings of others. I felt a tug in my heart a couple of years ago to come out of the church we were attending, it took me a while to realize what was going on inside me which is never good as a Spirit-filled Christian that is supposed to be in tune with the Holy Spirit and Gods will for his life. My wife and I resigned from the ministries we were helping in and started searching for a new church home. We found that at the Promise Church.
Since attending, we have started to grow in our walk with Christ. The Holy Spirit is now known to me, even better as the person I listed earlier. I have a fresh awareness of His presence in my life and I am learning more about Him and His will for me daily. The teaching we receive on Sunday morning and if you attend the bible college on Monday night is straight from the word, true, wise, and insightful. It is easy to see how to apply His word to our daily walk and I am so blessed and grateful now than ever before in my Christian walk. This is a church where you can come together with believers that are in this to win souls for the Lord, spread the gospel into all the world, teach the truth, and truly desire to become passionate believers in Christ. Come, see for yourself, enjoy the teaching and fellowship. Find out what it means to truly find your home in the body of Christ.