I have been a member of this church for almost three years now, and have been actiely involved in the youth program and outside-the-campus events. I have also been baptized here! I came to know Christ through the wonderful teachings of the pastors here, along with my small group leader and Christian friends.
What's unique about NCAC:
1) The teachings are as close to Scripture as possible. There are normally 3 elders who teach, and each goes into the Bible and prays to speak the truth in great depth. The staff go the extra mile to make sure that what they say is what God intends.
2) The church family is close and warm. It truly does feel like a family in this church. We are a community that cares for each other, recognizing and taking responsibility for the fact that we are the body of Christ.
3) Live music, every service. Worship is very important to the church body and the musicians at NCAC. We strive to lift up God with contemporary music arragnements that gets everyone tapping their feet. It's an uplifting experience every Sunday.
If you are curious about NCAC, please come by for a visit! And of course, the best people to talk about our methods and beliefs are our staff. Click on the link for our website!
God Bless