Having recently moved to Prescott, we were referred to this church by several people we met (neighbors, new friends) as being a great all-around Christian bible church. We began attending, and after several months decided it was not the right church for us. First off, the services are PACKED so you better get there early or you are standing room only; its dark in there and ushers do not really help you find a seat, plus too many people sit on the end of the rows, leaving seats in the middle and forcing you to climb over people. The opening worship & music is alright but a bit somber and the lighting is too dark. The Pastor is younger (early 40s) but a bit too casual in dress & tone for us; not sure what his background or education is. People are nice (like most churches) but not too engaging and that does not make a new person feel welcome or included; Prescott has a lot of social clicks...same here. Youth groups are okay but my children (16, 13, 10) were not very enamored, especially my high schoolers, and no mid-week HS meetings at the church, they have to attend home-groups. After hearing the church constantly pitch signing up for a home group, we finally did, and no one called us back...? Overall, not a bad church, especially if you are luke-warm, new to a non-denom or want a feel-good basic Christianity 101 experience, and lots of CEOs on holidays.