Church Profile
Service Times
Worship 9:00 am on Sunday morning in the Sanctuary, followed by Fellowship Hour in Swain Hall at 10:00 am.
(623) 974-3605

Rev. Thomas G. Tripp
Our Mission
Growing in the Spirit. Committed to Service. Sharing the Love.
The Mission of First Presbyterian Church of Sun City is to celebrate, enjoy, and share God’s gifts in an active community, growing in the Christian faith through worship, education, mission, evangelism, fellowship, and member support in the name of Jesus Christ.
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About First Presbyterian Church of Sun City
First Presbyterian Church of Sun City is a warm, welcoming congregation located at the intersection of Alabama and 103rd Avenues in Sun City, Arizona. Our church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Synod of the Southwest, and the Presbytery of Grand Canyon. We are also a Stephen Ministry church. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2013.
Denomination / Affiliation:
Dress Style:
Average Age of Attendees:
Primary Language:
Church Ministries
Small Groups
Groups and Public Services
Weddings and Receptions
Handbell Choir; Prayer Partners; Prayer Shawl Ministry; Monthly Fellowship Dinners; University of Life; Stephen Ministers. Home communion is available for the homebound upon request. Full recordings of our weekly services are available on CD or on our website, http://firstpressuncity.org. We support the local food banks, the Justa Center (support services for homeless seniors), the HART (Helping At Risk Teens) Pantry, and Habitat for Humanity. Our participation in Fry's Community Rewards Program benefits the refugee resettlement program of the Middle Eastern Presbyterian Fellowship in Tucson, AZ.
Church library
As Presbyterians, we believe in:
The sovereignty of God;
The priesthood of all believers;
The freedom of the individual conscience;
The amazing love of God in Jesus Christ;
The Bible as the source of God’s revelation;
God as the Good Shepherd seeking us;
The Apostles Creed;
The Nicene Creed;
…and God revealed today through the Holy Spirit…in you…and me…and in history!
Communion Frequency:
Regularly Practice:
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
First Presbyterian Church of Sun City is a Presbyterian Church located in Zip Code 85351.
Church Profile Manager: Beth Mabee